Das Associate Programm
The Associate Programme
is your stepping stone
into the Austrian job market.
The MTOP Associate Programme prepares well-educated refugees and third-country nationals
for their entry into the Austrian labour market.
Within the framework of the Associate Programme, MTOP Associates are accompanied over a period of six months - with our tailor-made workshops and coaching programme - before we connect them with suitable companies.
The participation fee is a one-time fee of €100,- per Associate. Payment is due only after completion of the Associate program and can be made in installments. All workshops including CV photo shoot, coachings and in-depth courses are included in the offer.
The successes we celebrate with our associates speak for themselves:
of our Associates find a permanent job within one year of completing the programme; either through our placement or thanks to the labour market skills they have acquired.
This project is co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and
Integration Fund and the Federal Chancellery.a